Wednesday, February 20, 2013

PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals - FSCM Common Definitions 3


In this post we'll see how to Define Sales & Use Tax Autorities and Codes, other Common components and Workflow Transactions.

Tax Authorities and Codes

PeopleSoft delivers simple tax tables but it requires the organizations to define and maintain Tax Authorities and Tax Codes themselves.
Tax Authorities - is defined as an agency allowed to set taxes. It contains individual tax rates and accounting information used to post taxes to GL.
Navigation : Setup Financials/Supply Chain -> Common Definitions -> Sales and use Tax -> Authorities -> Tax Authorities
Tax Codes - is a group of tax authorities. If a certain region has multiple taxes, then multiple tax authorities have to be defined and included in a single tax code. The sum of all taxes becomes the rate of tax code.
Navigation : Setup Financials/Supply Chain -> Common Definitions -> Sales and use Tax -> Codes -> Tax Codes
Apart from the above, there are other Common definitions that may be set up. These are Accounting Entry Template, Unit of Measure, Ship-To Locations, Ultimate Use Codes, etc.


We'll see how to define workflow transactions in the following paragraphs.
In PeopleSoft, the following components are used for setting up workflow transactions :
  1. Workflow Transaction Categories (EO_TRAN_CATS)
  2. Workflow Transactions (EO_TRANSACTIONS)
  3. Workflow System Rule (EO_SYS_WF_RULES)
The categories allow grouping the transactions with a workflow function that trigger the notification process. The workflow rules are associated with categories hence they apply to each transaction present in the category.
The workflow rules specify how the notifications will be sent out to the users whenever there is an even that needs their attention. The options are :
  • Worklist - An entry is placed in the user's worklist
  • Email - Users are notified by an email
  • Both - Users are notified by both email and an entry in the worklist
  • None - No notification
  • User - The actual notification method is defined in the User Preferences page
Navigation is as below :
Workflow Category : Setup Financials/Supply Chain -> Common Definitions -> Workflow -> Categories -> Workflow Transaction Categories
Workflow Transaction : Setup Financials/Supply Chain-> Common Definitions -> Workflow -> Transactions
Workflow Rules : Setup Financials/Supply Chain -> Common Definitions -> Workflow -> System Rules -> Workflow System Rules

Monday, February 18, 2013

PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals - FSCM Common Definitions 2

In this post, we'll have a look at setting up Locations, Regions and Region Codes, Distribution Rules and Sets.


An organization's business may be spread over multiple cities in a country or even multiple cities in different countries. Each place it does its business from is termed as a location.
PeopleSoft uses the components - Country, State, Location and Country Statistics to set up locations. The associated tables are - COUNTRY_TABLE, STATE_DEFN, LOCATION_TBL and COUNTRY_STAT. It uses the LOCATION_TBL_CI component interface to load data into these tables.
PeopleSoft allows reviewing country descriptions, selecting address formats by country, reviewing state & province descriptions, defining locations, adding location details and countries for reporting.
All the countries and their states / provinces are provided out of the box by PeopleSoft, so one does not have to set that up. One only has to set up the individual locations where his organization has its business presence.
Navigation : Set up Financials/Supply Chain -> Common Definitions -> Location -> Location -> Location Definition

Regions and Region Codes

Generally, organizations club multiple locations into a single group and that is called as a Region, e.g., NORTH, EAST, WEST, SOUTH, CENTRAL, etc.
Within PeopleSoft, Region may or may not be a physical / geographical area. It uses the Region Type Codes (REGION_TYPE) and Region Codes (REGION_CD) components to establish regions and region codes. The component interface used to load data here is REGION_CD_CI and REGION_TYPE_CI.
Regions have the following three categorization levels :
  • Category - are system defined and determine the function of the region code.
  • Type - are used for defining the various function of a business or to identify a region in a reporting hierarchy.
Navigation : Set up Financials/Supply Chain -> Common Definitions -> Location -> Region Type Codes -> Region Type Codes
  • Code -  are the actual codes used to multiple purposes - defining territories, pricing, etc.
Navigation : Set up Financials/Supply Chain -> Common Definitions -> Location -> Region Codes -> Region Codes

Distribution Rules and Sets

Distribution Rules and Sets are used to identify the account distribution by product, customer, regions, Order groups, etc. on a sales order, RMA or contract. Any combination of these elements will also suffice.
Distribution sets page 
Navigation : Set up Financials/Supply Chain -> Common Definitions -> Distribution Accounting -> Distribution Sets
Distribution rules page
Navigation : Set up Financials/Supply Chain -> Common Definitions -> Distribution Accounting -> Distribution Rules