Thursday, January 31, 2013

PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals - FSCM Common Definitions 1

This and a couple of other posts will describe setting up of Common Definitions required to implement various PeopleSoft modules.
We'll be covering the following :
  • Setting up Audit Logging
  • Setting up Document Management Options
  • Setting up Locations
  • Set up Regions and Region Codes
  • Set up Distribution Rules and Sets
  • Define Sales & Use Tax autorities and Codes
  • Set up Workflow transactions

Setting up Audit Logging

Audit logging is required for clear & transparent tracking of transaction processing. This results in detailed audit trails. The framework allows one to track the status of tracked transactions. The audit log results can be searched by source, transaction or user. There is a provision also to archive or purge the audit logs.

To set up the Audit Logging or Financial Audit Framework, we use the following components :
  1. FS_AUDITLOG_ENABLE to enable audit logging
  2. FS_AUDITLOG_SEARCH for searching the audit logs
  3. FS_AUDITLOG_PURGE for purging the audit logs
 Audit logging is available, out of the box, for the following transactions :
Module                             Audit Record                                     Transaction Flow
AM                                   AM_ASST_AUD_TBL                    Asset Adds and Copy
                                                                                                    Adjustments and Transfers
                                                                                                    Interunit Transfers
                                                                                                    Retirements and Reinstatements
GL                                    GL_AUD_JRNL                               Journal Processing
AP                                    AP_VCHR_AUD_TBL                    Vouchers
                                         AP_PYMT_AUD_TBL                     Payments
                                         AP_CNTL_GRP_TBL                     Control Group
AR                                   AR_AUD_DEPOSIT                        Deposits
                                        AR_AUD_DRAFT                             Drafts
                                        AR_AUD_ITEM                                 Items
                                        AR_AUD_PND_ITEM                      Pending Items
                                        AR_AUD_PYMNT                            Payments

Enable Audit Logging

Audit logging can be enabled by :
  •  Navigating to Set Up Financial/Supply Chain->Common Definitions->Audit Logging->Enable Audit Logging->Enable Audit Logging
  • Choosing the Module (Application) that needs audit logging
  • Choosing the audit record and events needing audit logging

Search on Audit Logging

Search Audit Logs Page displays only those events of the modules that have been audit enabled. These events are stored in the audit records. One only has to fill in the search criteria and then click the "Search" button to get the results. The search criteria and the search results depend on the the module and the application and the document (audit record) selected.
Navigation : Set Up Financial/Supply Chain->Common Definitions->Audit Logging->Search Audit Logs->Search Audit Logs

Purge Audit Logs

Audit logs need to be purged or archived from time to time as they do grow to large proportions. This is primarily due to the fact that there are multiple events for each document and any document can be updated multiple times.
Just like searching, one only has to enter the criteria to retrieve the audit logs that need to be purged. Once the logs are selected, just the "Purge" button needs to be clicked.
As a security feature, PeopleSoft does not allow purging of the Purge Log.
Navigation : Set Up Financial/Supply Chain->Common Definitions->Audit Logging->Purge Audit Logs->Purge Audit Logs

Setting up Document Management Options

To set up the Document Management Options, we use the following components :
  • DC_PRODUCT sets up the document product options
  • DC_PNLGRP sets up the document component options
  • DC_PNL_OPT sets up the document page options
To select the Documentum-Enabled Applications, one has to access the Documentum Product Options page.
Navigation : Set Up Financial/Supply Chain->Common Definitions->Documentum->Product Options->Product Options
PeopleSoft delivers the following values out-of-the-box :
  1. Engineering / Manufacturing - for Engineering, Manufacturing and Contract documentum-enabled pages
  2. Enterprise - for all other documentum-enabled components.
To set up the Document Management Option by Application, one has to navigate to the Documentum Component Options Page and then decide what level of access capabilities need to be provided for each component.
Navigation : Set Up Financial/Supply Chain->Common Definitions->Documentum->Component Options->Component Options
The valid actions are :
  1. View Document Details
  2. Query the Documentum Database
  3. View Document Content
  4. Launch Documentum
  5. Fix or Unfix versions
  6. Copy Associations
One thing to note here is that the maintenance components will have all the above valid actions accessible, the inquiry components will only have View Document Details and View Document Content actions accessible.
To determine the Documentum Page Actions, we have to navigate to the following :
Navigation : Set Up Financial/Supply Chain->Common Definitions->Documentum->Page Options->Page Options
Over here, we can set which documentum enabled page to keep within a component. This page also displays the record containing the cumentum document information for that page. This field is non-editable. One has to provide a UNIQUE name for each documentum enabled page. The primary purpose is to share this page across different components.
For defining the Documentum Page Copy Options, we have to navigate to the following :
Navigation : Set Up Financial/Supply Chain->Common Definitions->Documentum->Page Options->Copy Properties
What one selects on this page determines what one can see while clicking the Copy Document Associations button on a Documentum enabled page.
However, one should normally use the preset properties for all existing Documentum-enabled pages as incorrect values can give rise to unpredictable results while copying document associations.

Friday, January 11, 2013

PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals - Overview


From this post on, we'll be entering the world of PeopleSoft FSCM starting with the very basics from where we'll move on to the functionalities of each module.

The post will cover the following :
  • Defining FSCM common definitions
  • The installation options for PS applications
  • Defining user preferences and security options
  • Defining and using chartfields
  • Editing chartfield combinations and configuring chartfields
  • Using trees, entry events and alternate accounts
  • Defining calendars
  • Setting up ledgers
  • Using journal generator, intra-/inter-unit accounting and chartfield inheritance
  • Processing allocations
  • Setting reporting options and reports
Apart from the above, we'll also be reviewing the setup tasks for each of the PeopleSoft module.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

PeopleSoft Architecture


This post will describe the PeopleSoft's internet architecture and the various ways one can connect to the PeopleSoft application.

PeopleSoft provides multiple ways to connect to the underlying application. These are :
  • 2-Tier : Typical client-server based model
  • 3-Tier : Client-server model
  • 4-Tier : Web-based model


This is a typical client-server model mostly used by the developers.

The two tiers are the local machine where PSIDE.exe + the connectivity software is installed and the database server. The connectivity software is the database client. This method needs a ConnectID to be provided in the configuration manager.

This model is mostly used by the developers who connect to the database directly from Application Designer.

The obvious drawback of this method is that it puts a load of pressure on the DB server whenever there is a large development team.

Other drawbacks are :
  • every developer machine needs to have the database client installed
  • since all the machines will need a ConnectID - essentially a database user id - it allows all the users to have direct access to the underlying database


To address the drawbacks of the 2-Tier model, PeopleSoft offers the 3-tier mode.

In this method, the client application connects to the App Server that is already connected to the DB server. Thus, this method does not require the ConnectID and associated password.

Here, the three tiers are the local machine where the PSIDE.exe is installed, the App Server and the DB server.

Under this model, most of the communication is between the App Server and the DB server thereby releasing the load on the latter. Hence, this model is suitable for larger development teams.

Other advantages of this model are :
  • database client need not be installed on each of the client machines
  • reduced network traffic between the client and the App server


PeopleSoft's 4-Tier mode is its Pure Internet Architecture that is popularly called the PIA. This is entirely a web-based solution. It was introduced with PeopleTools 8. There are no PeopleSoft executables on the client.

The four tiers here are the web browser, Web Server, App Server and the DB server.

Under this model, the client - web browser - connects to the Web server that is connected to the App server that ultimately is connected to the DB server.

 So, how does it really work?

 The following diagrams explains it.

  1. The web client contacts the web server via http or xml
  2. The web server, using JOLT, connects to the App server
  3. The App server, using SQL, connects to the DB server, retrieves the information and sends the result back to the client via the web server
Note : The final image is taken from here.

The diagram also shows that this method allows integration with third-party / legacy applications as well as enterprise directory. Additionally, it provides the user with the flexibility of connecting to the PeopleSoft application through wired / wireless / mobile devices.

The above architecture is application independent, i.e., all PeopleSoft applications like HCM, FSCM, etc. follow the same architecture.

A more detailed explanation of the PIA can be found here.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013



With a series of posts on this blog, I wish to explain the basics of PeopleSoft Financials, i.e., PeopleSoft FSCM and what is available in the current version - 9.1

Loosely, the flow of posts would be as follows :
This blog aims for the following :
  • provide basic understanding of the PeopleSoft FSCM application to beginners
  • provide experts a place to share their experiences and knowledge
  • assist experienced professionals in any manner to resolve functional queries
  • be a knowledge hub for PeopleSoft FSCM professionals to connect and mutually learn
 Looking forward to your reviews, comments and well wishes to help grow this blog to a PeopleSoft FSCM knowledge repository.