Friday, March 22, 2013

PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals - Installation Options


It gives me a lot of pleasure on releasing my new post on the day Oracle is to release the newest version of PeopleSoft - 9.2.

The complete oracle release news can be viewed here.

Coming to the next step - Setting up Installation Options.

Setting up these options can be broken into the following points :

  • Setting up Cross Application Installation Options
  • Defining Tax Provider Installation Options
  • Setting up Application specific Installation Options

Setting Up Cross Application Installation Options

Under this section, we set up the -
  1. Overall Installation Options
  2. Options for installed Applications
  3. Financial Sanctions Options
  4. Login information for D&B interface
  5. Documentum Installation Options
  6. Commitment Control Installation Option
The overall Installation Options can be accessed by the following navigation :

Setup Financials/Supply Chain -> Install -> Installation Options -> Overall

The page looks as below.

On this page, one can set up various parameters like Default Country, Last Journal Id used, Tax Vendor, etc.

Defining Tax Provider Installation Options

This is a simple setting as it requires setting up just the one parameter - Tax Vendor.

The first part is specifying the Tax Vendor in Overall Options. Second and last part is providing the Tax Vendor details on the Tax Provider Installation Options page.

Navigation : Setup Financials/Supply Chain -> Install -> Tax Provider Installation -> Tax Provider Inst

Setting up Application specific Installation Options

This section allows one to set up installation options specific to each application. The applications are :
  • AM - Asset Management
  • BI - Billing
  • Contracts
  • eSettlements
  • Expenses
  • GL - General Ledger
  • Grants
  • IN - Inventory
  • Real Estate Management
  • Manufacturing
In the next post, we'll talk about setting up User Preferences.

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